Located in the community of Northside in Cincinnati, Ohio...
... Food For Thought - is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and future home of the Heart of Northside rooftop farm. Food For Thought was created by Dr. Florence Rothenberg, dedicated to making her community healthier by improving access to healthy food, teaching practical ways to prepare food healthfully on a budget, and improving community outreach to prevent heart disease, the number one killer of American women and men.
Our Goals
Heart of Northside Rooftop Farm
7,000 sq/ft of rooftop will be repurposed to grow fresh fruits and vegetables to feed the community.
Healthy Cooking Kitchen
Onsite and televised classes to teach you delicious ways to eat healthfully and on a budget.
Heart Disease Prevention
Classes, events, and activities to learn more about how you can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.